This form will create a list of all the customers that match the billing preference you select.
When you process the list an invoice will be created for each customer based on the choices you make on this form.
The following list will explain how each option on the form is intended to be used.
Our invoice has been tested using the #9 and #10 envelopes sold at Staples, Office Depot, and Walmart.
When you click on one of the "Billing Preferences" The list on the screen will fill with customers having that specific "BillingPreference".
Only transactions charged on this date will be included on the invoice
There are a varity of messages that apply: This option gives you the opportunity to edit the content of these messages
There are two options for sorting the order of the printed results:
Initally the list is in customer order. To change the sort option to rented unit order simply click on the header for that column.